cabecera 01 branding move sinnek design


If there is a challenge for today's companies to be competitive and profitable, it is to build brands that provide added value and respond to market needs in a real and effective way. This is how we worked on the SINNEK project: a new paint brand for bodywork committed to quality, efficiency, technology and colour. SINNEK was presented at the Motortec trade fair in Madrid and is bringing about a real revolution in the refinish market. SINNEK is the result of the knowledge and vision for the future of the team of professionals at Bernardo Ecenarro S.A., which with this new brand aims to confirm its leadership in the market and its commitment to innovation.

sinnek move branding
04 move branding sinnek
sinnek 02 move branding
move 05 branding sinnek
06 sinnek branding move
sinnek 01 branding move

The colour revolution.

We started to create this brand from scratch, taking into account the needs of a market that was looking for an effective and profitable solution for car body painting.

1 move branding valores sinnek

We turned knowledge into strategic keys that allowed us to lay the foundations of the brand in a solid and coherent manner and on clear premises that guided the entire strategy and style of the brand: innovation, technology, efficiency and profitability .

move sinnek concepto branding
branding move 1 sinnek grafico
move sinnek amarillo branding
logo 1 sinnek branding move
sinnek move black branding logo 1
move 1 sinnek simbolo branding
sinnek branding tipografia move 1
sinnek papeleria branding move
etiquetas grid sinnek move branding 1
move branding sinnek etiquetas 1
packs sinnek gif
sinnek bodegon move branding pack

These premises were the key to the entire development of the brand: from its naming, a sonorous, international name that suggests technology and innovation; to the creation of a brand identity and a graphic system that is 100% committed to practical and visual functionality, which we then applied to all the pieces.

move catalogo branding sinnek
catalogo01 branding move sinnek
move branding sinnek catalogo03
branding sinnek catalogo02 move
branding catalogo04 sinnek move
branding cajas move sinnek
branding desplegable move sinnek
branding 02 desplegable move sinnek
sinnek branding camiseta move
move web branding sinnek
web_01 move branding sinnek
branding web_02 sinnek move
branding web_03 move sinnek
sinnek web_04 branding move
move sinnek branding web_05
web_06 move sinnek branding

SINNEK has understood the needs of its customers and has also opted for ad hoc tools as additional services, which we have also provided with an attractive and coherent image, in line with the brand identity.

maquina move branding sinnek
move sinnek armario branding 2
branding mazos sinnek move

The future is yellow.

And as the customer experience is key when launching a brand like SINNEK, at -move we took care of launching the brand in all the media that brought it closer to its public. The launch of the brand was focused on one milestone: the Motortec 2017 trade fair. There, the brand was presented for the first time to distributors and customers and for this we worked around a clear concept: the future, a future in which SINNEK is the protagonist.

revista branding sinnek move anuncio
anuncio move branding revista02 sinnek
branding sinnek anuncio revista03 move
anuncio branding move revista04 sinnek
branding sinnek move microsite01
branding microsite02 move sinnek
branding microsite03 sinnek move
branding move microsite04 sinnek
sinnek move microsite05 branding
sinnek move vr glasses branding
sinnek move pack branding vr
sinnek branding move stand
stand05 move sinnek branding
stand02 sinnek move branding
sinnek move stand06 branding
sinnek stand04 branding move
stand03 sinnek branding move
stand07 sinnek branding move