

The internet of things or connected devices (IoT) are becoming more and more common in our daily lives. Trains, buses, lifts and household appliances are making our lives easier. These devices, in addition to helping us and fostering the growth of certain industrial sectors, expose us to new dangers. Unknown threats, cyber-attacks, which generate a great opportunity to develop the cybersecurity market.

El reto de definirlo todo

Ikerlan, centro tecnológico especializado en Tecnologías de Electrónica, Información y Comunicación (TEIC), y Energía y Mecatrónica, decidió crear un spin-off de su departamento de ciberseguridad. Una idea pensada para ofrecer a la industria un sello externo que certifique sus productos como ciberseguros, de acuerdo con la normativa internacional más exigente. Un proyecto que llegó a -move para ser plasmado mediante un proyecto de branding. El spin-off aterrizó con la necesitad de definir su naming, identidad visual y narrativa. Una iniciativa con muchas incógnitas que requería entender la singular naturaleza del negocio y del mercado en el que se adentraba.


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A 360º project, a brand on the move.

The joint reflection work with the team led us to look further. To discover what was special about what surrounded this brand. To be brave, creative and magnetic in a way that only pioneers can be in cybersecurity solutions.

We worked on a concept that reveals the movement of continuous search and accompaniment, with that metaphorical force of the circular form of adapting to what it encounters. A brand that orbits. And it does so without fear. Constantly.


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A modular design in continuous movement. The brand had to be synonymous with safety, combining power, control, action and attention through an all-encompassing visual key. Continuous movement. Orbiting without fear. Constantly. Adapting to every possible scenario without allowing any gap. Free and impenetrable.


Balance in messages:
Descriptive Claims and close messages.

As a digital project, Orbik posed an extra challenge when it came to defining the brand and the services it offers. To explain what Orbik is, we combined a very descriptive narrative (positioning the project within cybersecurity solutions for industrial clients) with one that was more groundbreaking, closer and more current than its competitors.


When a project makes sense

The definition of a brand project makes sense when all the pieces fit together. The value proposition, the market and the team must be aligned, but to acquire a consistent and recognised position in the market, they must be accompanied by the naming, the visual identity and the narrative.


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