branding strategy fashion website 01 design cabecera move digital hakei


The Hakei brand was born from the effort and dedication of a family dedicated to the world of leather and fashion since 1946. They have shops all over the peninsula located in the main cities and their product range is divided between accessories, footwear and clothing. At its core is the rapid adaptation of its collection to what the market demands, for which it needs to make use of a powerful digital platform. For the brand, the new digital repositioning project means reaching maturity in the digital universe, having been able to make a strategic analysis based on the figures provided by its previous digital platform.

design hakei digital 02 slider branding website move fashion
fashion website branding move slider 01 digital design hakei

This project also involved giving the brand a slight makeover, but one that had a lot of meaning. The corporate maroon, used for years, remained stagnant to coexist alongside designs, images and collections at the speed imposed by the world of fashion in the digital environment. Together with the Hakei design team, Hakei took the step of choosing black to represent its brand, which fits better with all the combinations of materials, styles and colours that occur around it.

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digital move fashion website web hakei 06 branding design
branding 05 design digital move website hakei web fashion
digital branding website web hakei fashion 04 move design
02 branding digital design website hakei move fashion web
design fashion branding digital hakei web move website 03
01 design digital website hakei fashion move branding web

Digital maturity.

Tackling a project that has a background in the digital world puts us in a more advanced position and with the power to make decisions based on the behaviour of the people who use the platform. Data analysis and user experience feedback from the previous platform, which had been online for two years, focused the challenges of the project: reorienting content to user interests and designing a responsive shopping experience. On the one hand, this data told us about the interests and preferences of the people browsing the site, making it clear that the site functioned much more like an online shop than a corporate site. On the other hand, analysing browsing habits over the last year shows a very rapid growth in the use of mobile devices, so building a mobile shopping and browsing experience is essential.

design branding digital strategy move hakei website fashion 01 interests

All of the above has taken the Hakei brand into another world of the digital environment and improved the way its users learn about, interact with and purchase the product. The website is connected to the company's management systems so that new products appear immediately online. This coupled with the improved mobile experience not only has a huge impact on online sales but also has a huge impact on sales in the physical shops.

move website digital hakei responsive 02 fashion design branding
fashion responsive branding digital move hakei website 01 design