move 01 design technology branding cabecera fagor

Fagor Industrial

Fagor Industrial is an example of the new approach that industrial companies have been able to give to their brand management.

It is a brand with solid communication, based on a clear and well-defined value proposition, a coherent visual style that reinforces its professional positioning. A brand that has been able to adapt to the times while maintaining global values and also drawing on the local attributes of each country in which it is present.

1 brand move fagor 01 branding technology design logo
design technology fagor 1 branding move 01 brandbook
technology brandbook branding design move 02 1 fagor
move technology design fagor 03 brandbook branding 1
technology design fagor 5 02 brandbook branding move
branding technology move fagor 4 brandbook design 02

A new style under new values

At -move we have accompanied the evolution of this brand with history, which after opening factories all over the world but without a defined brand strategy at a global level, today works focused on what makes them different: evolving together with their customers and offering a differential value to the hospitality professional. Together we evolve summarises and builds the maxim that defines its spirit, marked by three key values. Together: joint effort. We: talented people. Evolve: spirit of evolution.

A maxim represented in a visual style that is coherent with its promise: professional and functional, with a clear and attractive style for its customers and which reinforces its positioning as a leading and benchmark brand.

branding brand technology fagor move valores design
branding design print fagor narrative technology 01 move
branding design technology print narrative 02 move fagor
narrative technology design branding 03 fagor move print
design 04 print technology fagor move branding narrative
move fagor 05 design branding technology narrative print
06 move print fagor branding technology narrative design
design fagor print move narrative 07 technology branding
branding 08 1 fagor move technology print narrative design

...let's keep on growing!

During these years of relationship, Fagor Industrial has been growing and we have also helped in parallel projects as a result of this growth. A new business group, Onnera Group, has been created, all the other brands in the group have been repositioned, such as Edesa, Efficold, Danube and we are working on...

A living project in which we continue to work on making the brand grow, both from a strategic approach (naming, concepts, product launch strategies), and in the activation of the brand in its points of contact with the customer (design, communication, events, fairs, services...).

print other 01 technology design branding digital move fagor narrative
technology fagor move design print narrative branding 02 other digital
branding print other design fagor digital technology 03 narrative move
technology move 04 digital narrative fagor branding design other print
fagor 05 other narrative move print technology branding design digital
narrative 06 fagor technology digital branding move design other print
print 1 branding technology fagor design other 07 digital move narrative