museo cabecera donostia leku move branding chillida design spaces

Chillida Leku

A year ago, this magical place where nature, sculpture, music, flavours and aromas come together, a space that houses the work and essence of one of the greatest artists of our time, Eduardo Chillida, was reopened to the public. When we were asked to take part in this project in move, we knew that this was going to be a great challenge and a unique opportunity. With respect for the essence and roots, this was an exercise in transformation, revitalisation and updating of the brand, which was previously called "Museum" and now claims the concept of Leku, space in Basque, as the confirmation of the experience that is lived in this place and recognition of its creator.

digital culture chillida history branding leku move museo 01
move branding 03 leku culture museo chillida history digital
branding digital 02 history chillida leku move museo culture
chillida digital museo move leku history culture branding 04
museo branding culture history leku digital move chillida 05
digital history chillida move branding leku 06 culture museo

Building the new brand

After analysing the new territory and the reasons why the previous brand had to be modernised to adapt the brand to the 21st century, we drew up the "rules of the game" that will govern all our decisions. Working on a brand that contains a work of art by an artist we admire is both an exciting challenge and a great responsibility. We have to make sure that the artwork is respected and breathes well, but also that the typographic part is balanced, works well at different sizes and in different versions.

In the execution we are clear that it is good to avoid adding anything out of the essential that could confuse or detract from the work. We also removed all uses of the mark that did not preserve the work as it was originally conceived, eliminating more arbitrary uses such as positive/negative.

culture move digital branding museo 01 leku chillida reglas
eduardo leku move chillida chillida 01 cita digital branding museo culture museo culture move digital leku chillida eduardo branding chillida cita 02
move digital branding logo leku museo chillida culture animacion

Brand - place - concept

We decided to remove from the brand all explanatory headings indicating that it is a "museum", which makes it less international and because the concept "Leku", which means "place" in Basque, has a greater resonance. Also because Chillida Leku is a unique enclave and is much more than a museum. It is the place that the artist fell in love with at first sight, the place where he decided that his works should rest. If all of us who do not speak German have ended up knowing what "kunst" means, for example, it seems to us an equally interesting discourse to tell visitors what the word "Leku" means in Basque and what this place meant for the artist's work and career.

ingredientes branding chillida 1 reglas move system graphic leku
responsive system graphic adaptable branding leku chillida 1 move elastic

Elastic system

One of the objectives of a cultural space is to communicate in many different media and formats. Therefore, from the beginning we thought of a recognisable system that would be able to respect the images (because many of them will contain artwork) without altering them too much and that would adapt to the different supports in size and proportion.

Following these ideas, we also gave the brand a certain "elasticity" so that it could adapt well and communicate correctly in all these media.

branding move digital visual culture leku sistema museo chillida logotipo
museo branding trabajo proceso digital de culture chillida imagen move leku
desplegable imagen branding chillida leku digital culture museo move
museo move dipticos leku culture branding chillida digital imagen
leku culture move chillida digital museo revistas imagen branding
branding digital imagen culture detalle move leku revistas museo chillida
banderolas imagen leku museo branding chillida culture digital move
branding digital museo chillida imagen leku culture move marquesina
leku gorrotxategi move museo rafa merchandising branding digital chillida culture imagen
digital move merchandising chillida museo imagen leku culture branding
digital leku museo merchandising chillida move branding culture imagen coleccionable
branding digital museo chillida 00 de leku guia marca culture move
branding guia leku marca museo culture chillida de digital 01 move
leku branding 02 museo chillida digital move marca culture guia de
museo digital guia chillida culture move branding 03 marca de leku
de leku 06 digital guia branding move culture museo chillida marca
marca 07 guia move branding de culture digital museo leku chillida
guia branding museo chillida de 08 culture digital marca leku move
09 guia digital culture museo marca move chillida de branding leku
leku de move digital guia branding 10 museo marca culture chillida
chillida guia marca museo leku branding move digital de culture 11
chillida 12 digital branding leku guia museo move 1 culture de marca
guia marca branding de museo chillida 13 digital move culture leku
digital guia marca culture de move museo 14 branding leku chillida
branding museo chillida digital de culture marca move guia leku 15
16 move chillida digital guia leku museo branding culture marca de

Space-integrated signage

Another fundamental aspect in conveying the brand values and communication is the communication in the space. The maxim continued to be that the signage system should respect the work and be integrated into the natural environment, maximising legibility and minimising the impact on the space.

For the development of the icons we based ourselves on the use of the gnomon, a fundamental characteristic of Eduardo Chillida's work, the "almost right" angle, but not completely straight, which gives the graphics a more organic appearance.

branding chillida museo move culture animacion bocetos sen_ale_tica leku digital
leku move digital senaletica branding chillida museo culture 2 signal naturaleza 01
chillida branding digital 02 culture move museo leku naturaleza senaletica signal
move museo chillida branding 1 digital senaletica leku naturaleza 03 signal culture
move chillida digital 04 senaletica branding signal museo culture naturaleza leku
leku culture museo naturaleza signal branding move digital senaletica 05 chillida
naturaleza chillida leku 06 culture branding digital move museo signal senaletica

The re-launch of the Museum has been enthusiastically welcomed by local and foreign audiences alike. Since its recent opening, the museum has not stopped receiving visits and international interest is growing, which has been recognised with its inclusion in the list of the "100 most interesting places in the world" published by Time.

The new Chillida Leku brand is more international, more solid and better prepared to communicate in digital terrain. The new graphic system supports the great work done by the family, the new management team and Hauser & Wirth. The message and contents reach their destination better, which has resulted in an increase in visits and improved brand positioning in the digital field.

culture social leku website move chillida digital museo 01 branding media
branding media culture leku chillida museo social digital website move 02
leku media 03 chillida culture digital website museo branding social move
04 chillida digital social move museo branding leku website culture media

Gastronomic space

In this new phase, the Museum is opening Lurra Cafe, a gastronomic space that highlights its interaction with its immediate surroundings. Its name (which means "land" in Basque) refers to the series of "Lurras" developed by the artist and is directly linked to this spirit of closeness that governs the space.

In order to give it a certain identity, a new brand was created that uses the corporate typography and is based on the graphic and communication system of the entire Museum. This sub-brand draws a graphic system divided into different lines that we have used for all the pieces in the space: letters, business cards, posters, menus for events...

chillida gastronomico lurra leku digital 01 branding culture marca museo move espacio
museo culture branding leku espacio 01 lurra piezas move chillida digital gastronomico
lurra move piezas branding leku chillida digital espacio culture 02 gastronomico museo
move branding leku chillida culture piezas 03 lurra espacio museo digital gastronomico
04 move lurra piezas espacio museo branding gastronomico leku digital culture chillida
culture leku gastronomico espacio piezas lurra digital chillida museo 05 branding move
leku culture move lurra chillida espacio branding 06 piezas museo digital gastronomico
museo move imagen branding website culture digital panoramica museo leku chillida

A great project, with a great team

Chillida Leku is a transversal project that has touched many fields within design and strategy: branding, naming, graphics, intervention in the space, decoration, communication, digital...

For -move one of the most satisfying parts of the project has been the good experiences lived with the many parties involved in its development: the new management team, the Hauser & Wirth team, the Chillida family, the architect Luis Laplace and his team, Fede Pacha and the staff of the gastronomic part, the company Acerca specialising in art communication, Lorea and Druck who have materialised our ideas by producing the printing and signage pieces and Alex Iturralde who has taken some wonderful photographs.

Historical images, content images and images of the restoration space:
© Zabalaga Leku. San Sebastian, VEGAP, 2019. Succession of Eduardo Chillida and Hauser & Wirth.

Images of work and space by:
Alex Iturralde.