spaces urban travel new room cabecera digital talo branding 01 move

Talo Urban Rooms

A new concept of accommodation in San Sebastian that combines a fresh and functional urban style with a different and welcoming design and service. TALO Urban Rooms is located in a quiet and well-connected area of the city that proposes that the place where you sleep is your point of departure, arrival and even meeting point, and that you can live it your way, with your schedule and your time. A smart accommodation that allows you to savour the best of a city like Donosti in a comfortable atmosphere, with a careful, functional and urban design but with an outdoor space reserved for disconnection and reunion.

branding spaces room abstracta talo urban move digital travel

go to sleep!

We were involved in the project from the start, as beyond the branding work, at -move we participated in it through our Move AdVentures initiative. Thus, we not only worked on the creation, the naming and the essence of the new brand to find a graphic style and the premises of the decoration and the space from its origin, but we were also present in its gestation: we participated in the choice of the place where the activity would take place, we worked with the team of architects in charge of the project to think about how to preserve the essence of it... But let's take it one step at a time... First of all, the name. TALO means HOME in Finnish, but also, as a nod to our language and our home, "TA LO" means "to sleep" in Basque.

A mixture of cultures from which we have borrowed a bit of each one to define a space with a warm but resounding architectural style, and a functional but welcoming graphic design and image.

travel urban talo naming spaces significado move branding room digital
talo travel room urban spaces simulation branding ux digital move
talo print travel digital urban room branding move 01 new spaces
spaces travel 02 digital branding move urban talo print new room

A brand for a space.
A space for an experience.

We know what it's like to arrive in a city and want to feel at home. To want to live, to experience, to discover without pause, and to feel that you have made the right choice, that what you are going to discover can be combined with the best rest, to have the feeling that you will arrive "home" and be able to go over your emotions one by one to rest peacefully afterwards and wake up the next day... with the desire for more. That's why, in addition to creating a solid and sober brand that would welcome those who came to it, we sought an open and organic brand. And we achieved this with a logo that mutates, that changes and adapts to new shapes and forms each time. And, to this, we added the conception and design of different rooms for the different audiences of TALO and San Sebastian: independent travellers, couples, families, groups, business travellers...

talo digital logo 01 branding move urban travel spaces room
branding room website urban move travel 1 talo digital spaces 01
move urban talo spaces digital room branding travel website 02
move spaces digital 03 urban room talo website branding travel
04 branding move spaces urban website room talo travel digital
move 05 branding travel digital urban talo spaces website room
digital 06 move website urban talo spaces room branding travel
urban move travel website room branding talo 07 spaces digital
branding urban room travel drafts talo digital 01 move spaces
room urban 02 spaces branding drafts talo travel digital move
room 03 drafts urban spaces branding travel digital move talo
room drafts urban move digital 04 branding spaces travel talo

The architectural project, conceived and carried out by Maushaus Arquitectura and Teresa Meana, captured the essence of the brand to perfection, and expressed it through a zig-zag distribution that makes intelligent use of space, creating individual spaces that favour the traveller's intimacy. Likewise, the functional and welcoming style of the brand is translated into the use of noble materials that take centre stage in the decoration itself: wood, exposed concrete and tiles coexisting perfectly with very special warm fabrics, creating a harmonious whole with a lot of personality.

spaces urban plan talo move digital 1 room travel 01 branding
move poster urban digital room talo new spaces 01 travel branding
digital talo room 01 branding urban spaces interiors travel move
digital move branding room interiors talo travel spaces urban 02
room move spaces urban 03 talo travel branding interiors digital
digital 04 move branding interiors talo urban spaces travel room
travel 05 spaces branding talo urban digital move room interiors
urban talo branding move 06 room interiors digital spaces travel
travel talo spaces 07 room digital move interiors urban branding
travel spaces 08 urban digital move room talo branding interiors
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travel interiors talo urban 10 move digital room spaces branding
spaces digital branding urban travel 11 room talo move interiors